Tees & Hartlepool Yacht Club

Sailing Powerboating & more..
From learning to sail a dinghy in the calm waters of Middleton Harbour to offshore cruising, jetskiing down to Whitby for fish & chips or perhaps kayak fishing along the shore - line, it is the diversity of our membership that makes THYC so vibrant!
Cruiser Racing
..our cruiser sailors enjoy racing in the bay Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings, cruising and racing to neighbouring ports, taking part in the club regattas from Scarborough to Amble and long distance.

Learn to Sail or Powerboat
At THYC we have been teaching people boating skills for over 50 years. Swap your sofa for a seat at our award winning RYA recognised Training Centre, the air in our classroom is invigorating & the views are amazing!
Dinghy Racing
Ask any of our dinghy sailors & they will tell you that sailing your own small boat, is one of the most exhilarating experiences you will ever have!
Age or ability is no barrier, our dinghy sailors range from 8 to 80. No experience? It's easier than you think to get started - just ask!

Power boats
Many Club members have their own power
craft, jet-skis, small angling boats, pleasure craft & more traditional ski boats for towing boards, inflatables & water skiers. Great fun for the whole family!